The Tool Hub Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
The Tool Hub recognizes its social and environmental responsibilities towards its shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders and is committed to conduct business in a manner which promotes sustainable growth while fulfilling legal and moral obligations.
Business Principles and Code of Conduct
We strive to ensure that our business is conducted according to the highest ethical and professional standards in all respects, taking into account applicable laws, regulations and customs in the countries and regions where we operate.
We recognize that our business and livelihood depend upon our customers.
Every employee is responsible for ensuring the highest level of customer focus and that any contact with our customers is always professional and appropriate.
We aim to ensure that our customers receive the level of service and quality of product that they have come to expect from The Tool Hub.[/ut_blockquote_right]
To bring the value of social responsibility to our employees and be part of the engine to drive social responsibility activities through Employee suggestions, Employee participation and Employee survey.
Ethics is one of the most important and fundamental values underlying our business activities at aIl levels of its organization. The Tool Hub has established and rolled out Code of Business Conduct which embodies rules, requirements, and standards of conducts in the areas of human rights, labor, environment anticorruption and others. The Tool Hub have incorporated ethical business culture and sustain the ethical standards align with our business code of conduct and continual improvements of the code to ensure all our stake holders’ interest are protected.
We seek to limit the environmental impact of our activities through the prevention of pollution, minimization of waste and use of best environmental practices by employing effective management systems that promote continual improvement. This includes ensuring that our activities and operations are in compliance with current legislation as well as company standards. We are committed to identifying and analyzing the risks associated with Environmental impacts of its products, services and activities. Maintaining its establishments and manufacturing products in compliance with applicable EHS regulations and other requirements to which it subscribes.
Safety and Health
We are committed to high standards of safety and health, recognizing our duty and the benefits of providing safe work conditions for our employees. We aim to achieve continuous improvement in safety and health performance through the use of robust safety and health management systems.
We regard suppliers as our partners and work with them to achieve our ambitions in the delivery of our product, but also understand the importance to track where products are sourced to ensure that the principles of environmental sustainability are upheld. We also work to ensure that the welfare of workers and labor conditions within our supply chain meet or exceed recognized standards.
We endeavor to contribute to the communities in which we operate, particularly those neighboring our sites through the support of community initiatives and local charities. Each individual Tool Hub location is encouraged to develop programs which address the needs of their local community.
We provide equal opportunities to all existing and prospective employees recognizing that our future is dependent on their work quality, effectiveness and skill base. We are committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all employees, specifically prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or ethnic origin. Opportunities are also available to disabled persons in accordance with their abilities and aptitudes on equal terms with other employees.
We have chosen to focus especially on 3 CSR areas where we can make the biggest difference.
Customers – Suppliers – Employees
From our 3 main CSR areas we have selected 10 commitments that we put our majority effort in to.
The 10 selected commitments are broken down to 20 tasks with clear measurable goals.
This helps us keep focus and ensure that we always do our outmost to  remain a responsible organisation towards all areas of CSR